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Student Told She Could Not Wear Her Graduation Cap Because Of The Way She Decorated It



Student Told She Could Not Wear Her Graduation Cap

Because She Decorated It With a Cross

It seems like everywhere in United States schools, those with a belief in a God are being told they cannot show their faith while at school.  I’m a believer in a Christian God, and I can even agree to some extent there are some things that shouldn’t be allowed in schools.  For instance, students should not be allowed to lock another student in a bathroom and quote bible verses at them against their will.  That would be extreme.  Seriously though, a student should not be restricted to keeping their faith hidden just because there may be some who have different beliefs and ideas.  

For a real life example, I do not agree that a student should be told she cannot wear her personal graduation cap after she decorated it with a cross on top.  Keep in mind, there was no verse or anything other than some jewels, her number and the cross.  From my understanding, she had permission from the school’s principal, but a student advisor told her she was not allowed to wear it on stage during her graduation.  If the girl is anything like I, and so many other believers, she most likely contributes her success to God and is trying to give Him the glory at one of the happiest and proudest moments of her young life.  It’s literally her last day at the school, what difference does it make to them if she wears her cross-bearing cap?   Would it have been a different outcome had it been a Muslim or Islamic believer displaying their faith, for fear of offending them?

What bothers me even more about this on a personal level is it is a local, small town school where it is common to pray before games, welcome people’s beliefs and encourage freedom of speech.  I never thought the day would come where someone at this school would actually take a stand against God in this manner, especially when it wasn’t hurting anyone and it was the student’s last day.  Wow.  This makes me sad.  I have faith that this was an individual’s decision based on her understanding of the rules and not the sentiments of the entire school body or community.  

What do you think?  Should she have been allowed to wear her cap?  Would you have worn it anyhow?  Would you have encouraged your child to stick by their faith?  Please share your thoughts.

CHS Cap Cross
Photo courtesy of a Facebook share.


KD's Korner

KD in a Nut Shell: God, husband, family, awesomeness, saving money, fun, travel, serious, Executive Assistant, laughter, eBay seller, yard sales, organization, integrity, loyalty, love, joy, financial goals, volunteering, church, new experiences, Florida girl, budgeting, board games, bargain hunting, LIVING LIFE!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. sharon brewington

    It may have been because the cross was 3-D. There are no 3-D decorations allowed

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