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Excellent Perspective on Recent Court Rulings


I’d like to share an article by Michael Cheshire from Don’t Stay Broken that I thought was spot on regarding some of the recent United States court rulings, followed by some of my personal thoughts.  I don’t often engage in controversial topics on my blog, but I feel like these perspectives are perfect for several of the current events going on and can be used in so many aspects of our lives.  You can take it, leave it, comment on it or forget it.  


For all my Christian friends blowing up the internet angry about the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage for our country. Please remember a few things before you vent…

First and foremost….calm down. Some of us are already acting like buffoons.

Your religion is not being attacked. In fact, this ruling actually reinforces our countries commitment to let people live, grow, and even worship as they believe.

This ruling doesn’t ask you to change any of Jesus’ message.

We can still love.

We can still show kindness and understanding.

We can still show everyone they really do matter to God.

We can still marry the opposite sex, as well.

We can still feed the hungry and clothe the poor.

We can still worship God the way we believe we should. Even this Sunday, you can attend a church. Nothing has changed.

Maybe now that we are not trying to stop others from getting married, we can finally take the time to figure out why our own marriages are failing; because, the argument that a gay-marriage is somehow soiling the sanctity of our third marriage, is as ridiculous as it sounds.

We can now focus on bigger issues that actually matter and impact humanity for the good.

We can still (and should) be accepting to the entire LGBT community no matter what differences we may or may not have with them, (FYI- we should have been doing this all along guys).

You know, I have always found it interesting how our religion, based so deeply in love, acceptance, and kindness, gets easily hijacked into political hatred and social judgments. We need to stop trying to legislate our own morality and ethics onto those who don’t believe the same way. Jesus never did this. And in truth, most of us “Christians” disagree greatly on the tenants of what are “moral issues” within our own faith. In many ways, we are a herd of cats trying to steer the world. And, it’s not working people.

And to my many friends in the LGBT community…Congratulations, my friends! I am happy for you all. As a proud member of the American community, I believe that you should have the same rights as everyone else. It’s one of the things that makes our country such a great place to live.

Now my Christian brothers and sisters, you are free to carry on with your outrage, anger, and venting…

But, when you’re done could you give the rest of us a hand?! Jesus’ love is a pretty heavy thing to carry all the way to the rest world and we could use the help.

-Michael Cheshire, Don’t Stay Broken



I’m not going to try to get into crazy debates or arguments or anything else, but I guess I am going to share some of my thoughts. Regardless of my religious beliefs, or possibly lack thereof in some eyes, I am in support of two people who love each other being together, legally married. I am happy that marriage equality is finally here. I’m so very happy for many of my good friends who have been waiting for this day to come. They deserve to live their life as their own, not governed by what any human or government says is right/wrong in a legal sense.

If a religious establishment does not agree with it, fine, don’t allow the marriage to take place there. I think that is their right as a practicing religious facility. However, marriage in our society is a legal matter, created by human law, so it should be allowed to take place elsewhere. If you feel so strongly these marriages shouldn’t take place, don’t attend (this goes for interracial marriages, too). But also don’t protest. How would like your special day to be ruined because someone doesn’t like the person you are marrying (come on, I know a lot of in-laws aren’t pleased with who you chose to marry)?

I am a Christian who believes strongly I am here to love others, no matter their race, gender, ethnicity, beliefs or who they choose to love. I wish more people who call themselves Christians would stop hating so much and do as Jesus did and love others. All of your yelling, screaming and protesting is why so many people steer clear of our church bodies. Wouldn’t you agree it’s hard to invite people into what we consider our church homes/families when as soon as they enter, we point out all of their wrongdoings, sins, etc and judge them in the way so many are doing right now? I know how many friends I have gained by doing that kind of behavior (a big fat 0).

As you all develop and explore your feelings on this matter, remember God loves us all the same, just as we are. He created each and every one of us, so how can we hate something God created? And if you don’t believe in God, then why do you care if gay marriage is legal or not? It’s not for any one of us to decide what is right or wrong.

Love God, Love Others.

KD's Korner

KD in a Nut Shell: God, husband, family, awesomeness, saving money, fun, travel, serious, Executive Assistant, laughter, eBay seller, yard sales, organization, integrity, loyalty, love, joy, financial goals, volunteering, church, new experiences, Florida girl, budgeting, board games, bargain hunting, LIVING LIFE!

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